2024 Phonse Chiasson Chorale Music Recipient Aidan Munroe

Eileen Chiasson presents graduate Aidan Munroe with the 2024 Phonse Chiasson Choral Music Bursary on behalf of the Cape Breton Chordsmen

On July 8 the Chordsmen were pleased to host the Munroe family as high school graduate Aidan Munroe received this year’s Phonse Chiasson Choral Music Bursary. The award was presented by Phonse’s wife of 48 years, Eileen.

The family was treated to a performance by the quartet “Quattro” and lots of tag singing by the Chordsmen. Refreshments were organized by Cape Breton Songbirds members Wilma Menzies and Madonna Donovan, and Chorus Manager Herb Martell.

Aidan, who is a musician, vocalist and musical theatre actor, will be continuing his music education at Humber College in September. The Cape Breton Chordsmen wish Aidan all the best in his future pursuits! Congratulations!

Aidan Munroe
Bursary recipient Aidan Munroe
Munroe Family
Aidan with Mom, Trish and Dad, James.
An excerpt from Quattro’s performance of “That’s Life”