The long Covid-delayed “Great is thy Faithfulness” gospel concert came off with excellent reviews at United Heritage Church in downtown Sydney.
The fundraising event was originally scheduled for March 15, 2020. It finally happened on May 15, 2022 – two years and two months late!
It was a roaring success. Several of our musical friends from around the community sang up a storm – and there was even a surprise appearance by renowned soloist, Paul Gatchell!
Our chorus finally got to sing Hymn to Freedom. We’d learned it more than two years ago, so it was fantastic to actually sing it for an audience for the first time.
Our three quartets performed, and chorus members Mike Finigan and Ron Newcombe did outstanding solo performances.
More than 150 tickets were sold, and along with some additional donations, a significant amount of money was raised for the church. It’s where we rehearse every Monday evening, so it certainly feels good to give back to United Heritage in a substantial way.